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 On Sofia Coppola's The Beguiled and its whitewashing controversy 

Posted on Wed 19 July 2017 by Mark Cosgrove

A reflection on Sofia Coppola's film The Beguiled in the wake of its whitewashing controversy. Mark asks – after the arguments raised – is it appropriate to rethink my initial reaction to the film?

 Collaborating with Universities 

Posted on Wed 12 July 2017 by Jo Lansdowne

Watershed works with Universities to support collaborative research and development between academics and practitioners. Together we are exploring digital cultures, designing new products and interrogating the potential of new technologies.

 Behind The Lines – Women and WWII British Film 

Posted on Wed 12 July 2017

Their Finest producer Stephen Woolley writes about the female-focused wartime films that make up his Girls Like Us season, and how the breakthrough had a galvanising effect on the industry as a whole.

 Compass Presents set sail for Bristol on a tall ship 

Posted on Wed 28 June 2017

Compass Presents are bringing a tall ship to Bristol for their immersive event Celluloid Sail (which they are talking about at Cinema Rediscovered). We caught up with Compass' Tara Sachdeva to chat about what it’s like blending archive and contemporary film, all on board a floating venue.

 Peter Lord on the original King Kong 

Posted on Mon 12 June 2017

Peter Lord - Aardman's Creative Director and Co-owner - will introduce our screening of King Kong. Check out his reasons for coming to see it in the video below...

 Cinema Rediscovered Returns 

Posted on Thu 27 April 2017

Cinema Rediscovered returns to Bristol and surrounding region for a second year, bringing the finest digital restorations, contemporary classics and film print rarities back where they belong - on the big screen.

 Book your Cinema Rediscovered Pass and Tickets 

Posted on Thu 27 April 2017

We are pleased to announce that Cinema Rediscovered Passes are now on sale, enabling you to enjoy all the weekend events (Thu 27 - Sun 30 July) at a reduced price.

 Ben Wheatley on Free Fire 

Posted on Mon 27 March 2017

We chatted to director Ben Wheatley about his latest film, Free Fire, ahead of its run here at Watershed.

 Using iterative development to redesign our exhibit pages 

Posted on Tue 7 March 2017

A few months ago I had the same fear when tasked with redesigning exhibit pages on They're our highest traffic pages and they have a complex information architecture. I'm going to share how a process of iterative development got us there steadily, and explain why we've adopted it for solving most other user experience problems we face in the Online team at Watershed. I'll also detail some of the tools and techniques we used along the way.

 The Fits: a coming of age meditation on belonging and Black female freedom 

Posted on Thu 2 March 2017 by Liz Chege

We watched a preview of the film with members of Come The Revolution, a collective of curators, programmers and creatives committed to exploring Black life on screen. In this reflective piece, collective member Liz Chege discusses The Fits, the lack of films focusing on Black female coming of age stories, the desire for belonging, and Black womanhood.

 Thoughts on Moonlight 

Posted on Wed 8 Feb 2017 by Edson Burton

Edson Burton shares his thoughts on Moonlight... "a story told through the eyes of the Other amongst Others..."