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 14 years of the Pervasive Media Studio 

Posted on Mon 14 Feb 2022 by Jo Lansdowne

Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio is 14 on 14 Feb. In this article, Executive Producer Jo Lansdowne takes a look back at what has changed since 2008, how the Studio works, and what we're thinking about for the future.

 Watershed 40 

Posted on Thu 13 Jan 2022 by Clare Reddington

Watershed celebrates its 40th birthday in 2022 with a programme of events, workshops and celebrations that reflect on the last four decades and looks ahead to the next four.

 Conversations About Cinema: Thought in Action 2022 

Posted on Thu 6 Jan 2022

Starting with Titane, we continue our partnership with UWE Philosophy and Politics on a series of screenings and discussions that brings together a multi-disciplinary team of philosophers, political theorists, and cinema curators to explore some of the most exciting and challenging ideas in contemporary cinema. Francesco Tava, Associate Professor in Philosophy at UWE, Emma Brännlund, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, and Miguel Prado Casanova, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, write more about the first film in the new season.

 Inclusion guided by Principles  

Posted on Tue 7 Dec 2021 by Jazlyn Pinckney

Former Watershed Inclusion Producer*, Jazlyn Pinckney reflects on the importance of creating shared principles when working collaboratively on data led inclusion.

 Collecting Inclusion Data: Watershed's Approach to Balance and Belonging 

Posted on Tue 7 Dec 2021 by Layla Barron

Layla Barron, Watershed's Head of Data and Operations talks about the move from diversity and demographics to balanced teams.

 130 Years of Deaf People and the Moving Image: Coming Full Circle  

Posted on Mon 29 Nov 2021 by William Mager

Bristol-based writer-director William Mager explores the significant relationship between silent cinemas’ filmmakers and stars with deaf audiences, citing personal experience and over a century of history.

 Loony Tunes: Bad Luck Banging and a New Europe 

Posted on Mon 22 Nov 2021 by Fedor Tot

In advance of the release of Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (out on Fri 26 Nov), film critic and editor Fedor Tot looks at the film through the lens of post-Communist Romania.

 New Frontiers: Re-Imagining the West 

Posted on Wed 10 Nov 2021 by Lola McKinnon

Lola Mckinnon takes a closer look at the complex history of the Western, and its re-imagining through the eyes of female directors..

 Towards Recovery - what's next at Watershed? 

Posted on Mon 4 Oct 2021 by Louise Gardner

An update from Watershed on the next set of steps we are taking to rebuild our organisation and also to ask you to let us know what you are thinking and tell us how you are doing.

 Black History Month 2021 at Watershed 

Posted on Wed 29 Sept 2021 by Jo Lansdowne

A few highlights of things happening during Black History Month which offer audiences an opportunity to engage with Black creatives and their stories

 Melvin Van Peebles 1932 - 2021 

Posted on Thu 23 Sept 2021 by Mark Cosgrove

A tribute to Melvin Van Peebles from Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator