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  June 2022 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 26 May 2022

Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, takes a deep dive into film soundtracks throughout history and the films selected for Filmic, with this season’s curator Sean Wilson, Bristol based film journalist and writer.

  May 2022 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Wed 4 May 2022

This month Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, is joined by Steph Read, UWE MA Curation placement, as they look forward to the program of films at Watershed over the coming month.

  April 2022 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Mon 28 March 2022

This month Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, considers how film watching has changed and the prevalence of the blockbuster, and its now all too predictable model of following success with repetition.

  March 2022 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 1 March 2022

This month Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema curator, and Zoe Rasbash, Watershed's Environmental Emergencies Action Researcher look forward to Green Screen, coming to Watershed at the end of March.

  February 2022 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 1 Feb 2022

February's podcast looks forward to this month's Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme and its must see highlights, with a fascinating delve into Japanese culture and contemporary social concerns.

  January 2022 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 21 Dec 2021

A brief note from Mark Cosgrove, Cinema Curator, ahead of January 2022.

  December 2021 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 30 Nov 2021

For the last podcast of the year, Mark shares his own experiences of cinema – both personal and professional.

  November 2021 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Wed 3 Nov 2021

November's Cinema Podcast celebrates a return of audiences to the cinema, renewed partnerships through the fantastic Afrika Eye film festival, and a season of films and discussions challenging Myth and Masculinity in the Western.

  October 2021 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 30 Sept 2021

An insight into the Caribbean film scene and a celebration of long-lost, Jamaican-set film No Place Like Home.

  September 2021 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 31 Aug 2021

Mark Cosgrove is joined by Gary Thompson and Adam Murray to look ahead to Cables & Cameras Presents: INSPIRED – a weekend featuring a whole range of conversations, screenings and events exploring Black/POC culture and talent, both in front of and behind the camera.

  August 2021 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 29 July 2021

A quick and summery August podcast from Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, introducing the upcoming lush and sensual The World of Wong Kar Wai season.