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  Patience (After Sebald) - Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Grant Gee discusses 'Patience (After Sebald)', a film based on author WG Sebald's 'The Rings of Saturn'.

English Lager comes to Watershed - at last!

Posted on Mon 6 Feb 2012

A decent English lager available at Watershed? Really?

The Night of The Hunter

Posted on Mon 6 Feb 2012

  Filmic: Christopher Frayling - For A Few Guitars More

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Sir Christopher Frayling discusses the Spaghetti Western, focusing on the defining partnership of director Sergio Leone and composer Ennio Morricone

DepicT! 2012 Call for Entries

Posted on Mon 30 Jan 2012

  February 2012 Watershed Podcast

Posted on Mon 6 Nov 2017

Introducing filmic. Creators Mark Cosgrove (Watershed) and Phil Johnson (St George's) introduce and discuss the 2012 festival in this special audio recording.

  The Laughter Returns: Pierre Étaix in Conversation

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Watch Oscar-winning French clown and filmmaker Pierre Étaix discuss his life and work with writer and film scholar, Sir Christopher Frayling in this event from 2012.

  Artist Talk: Polyrhythmia

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

In this event artist Jen Southern discusses 'Polyrhythmia', in conversation with Site Gallery director Laura Sillars.

  BAFTA Presents: The British Guide To Showing Off Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A panel discuss 'The British Guide To Showing Off', a documentary about unconventional fashion competition, 'The Alternative Miss World'.