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  Treacle Jr - Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

British film writer and director Jamie Thraves discusses his film Treacle Jr, an award-winning comic drama about an unlikely, Beckettian friendship.

  Tommie Smith Presents: Return to Mexico City

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A discussion with sports icon Dr. Tommie Smith, who gained notoriety after performing the black power salute during the 1968 Olympics.

Sky Orchestra Takes Flight

Posted on Mon 25 July 2011

  The Tree of Life Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Q&A with Bristol based Nigel Ashcroft, on working with Terence Malik to produce the outstanding 20-minute universe sequence that appears in The Tree of Life.

Cyclescreen: Bristol's Bike Film Festival 2011

Posted on Wed 20 July 2011

This is an archive page. To see our 2015 Festival programme Click here

  From Silos to Shrek Ears

Tue 1 July 2008

Personalisation and the future of Successful Cultural Leadership

  The Cutting Tradition

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A panel of dedicated womens' rights activists discuss 'The Cutting Tradition', a documentary focusing on the subject of female genital mutilation.

Love: A Digital Storytelling Workshop

Project Ended in July 2011

A digital workshop for European learners aged over fifty that resulted in a collection of short films themed around love.

  Watershed Council of Management Report 2010

Thu 1 April 2010

Report of Watershed's Council of Management and consolidated financial statements—Year ended 31 March 2010.