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On Dangerous Ground: The Cinema of Bernard Herrmann

Posted on Mon 21 March 2011

Throughout June and July at WatershedThis year marks the centenary of film composer Bernard Herrmann's birth in June 1911.Herrmann changed the way film music was thought of with groundbreaking scores for films like Hitchcock's Psycho and North By Northwest. His career spanned creative collaborations with Orson Welles on Citizen Kane to Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver.

  Media Sandbox 2009

Tue 1 Dec 2009

Making space for great ideas - a report which showcases the unique results of this cutting-edge R&D scheme. This publication captures the first two years of Media Sandbox and celebrates the 12 brilliant companies who participated in the scheme. Find out more about Media Sandbox.If you would prefer to read a hard copy of this publication please email us with your full name and address and we will post you a copy.

  Producing the Future

Mon 19 July 2010

Understanding Watershed’s Role in Ecosystems of Cultural InnovationA case study of Watershed produced by International Futures Forum with an introduction from Watershed’s Managing Director Dick Penny and John Knell, the Intelligence Agency.

  Theatre Sandbox 2010: You\'re So Happy I Want To Die

Posted on Wed 1 Nov 2017

Tin Bath used sound and motion sensors to develop a captioning system that responds to performance in real time.

  Route Irish: Ken Loach Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Ken Loach and actor Mark Womack answered questions about the film, the Iraq war, and WikiLeaks.

Enjoying the Watershed Experience

Posted on Mon 28 Feb 2011

If you're one of our regular visitors you will have been enjoying the Watershed experience with an increasingly diverse range of people. We're an open and diverse venue with a broad artistic programme that engages with cultures both locally and globally - everyone is welcome and we're proud to see you all come through our doors or visit us online. We'd like to maintain the high quality of experience at Watershed for everyone and to achieve this we need your help.

  Media Sandbox 2010: I Heart My City

Posted on Fri 27 Oct 2017

An online map which shows how council spending improves the quality of life for the people of Bristol.