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  Filmmaker Focus: John Minton

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Bristol based Minton discusses his innovative and experimental work, from music promos to films of art events.

  Desert Island Flicks: John Coates

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

John Coates, who has produced some of the landmarks in British animation, picks his eight favourite animated films.

  UWE Presents: The Need for Novelty

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A panel discussion exploring whether there is a need for novelty in cinema.

 DShed: Past, Present & Future 

Posted on Mon 16 Nov 2009 by Dick Penny

Dick Penny, Watershed's Managing Director, discusses how DShed began, what it has achieved so far and where it might be heading next.

  Unlocking markets for content delivery

Posted on Wed 8 Nov 2017

An eighteen month research and development project which resulted in the first ever iPhone app for the Tower of London.

  AntiVJ Showcase

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

AntiVJ create ground breaking live projections on real world canvases. Here they present their latest projects and discuss their work.

  Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Actor Paddy Considine and rapper Scorzayzee discuss the making of Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee and take questions from the audience.

  Howe Gelb & Maria Mochnacz

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Alt-country troubadour Howe Gelb and Bristol based filmmaker Maria Mochnacz in conversation about their music documentary of Gelb’s latest album.

  The Box

Posted on Wed 8 Nov 2017

Shot by young filmmakers this 5min docu-drama examines the life of a low income family feeling the strain of recession.


Project Ended in July 2009

A new web tool for discovering and describing connections between Watershed video content and its makers and themes.

Bristol Stories

Project Ended in July 2009

A creative digital storytelling project giving an insight into the lives of Bristolians and their experience of the city.