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Gathering Moss

Project Ended in November 2021

Gathering Moss is a digital landscape, created in 2021, of artistic ideas made in response to the climate emergency. It presents ideas online, to provoke net-zero acts within the real world.

 130 Years of Deaf People and the Moving Image: Coming Full Circle  

Posted on Mon 29 Nov 2021 by William Mager

Bristol-based writer-director William Mager explores the significant relationship between silent cinemas’ filmmakers and stars with deaf audiences, citing personal experience and over a century of history.

 Loony Tunes: Bad Luck Banging and a New Europe 

Posted on Mon 22 Nov 2021 by Fedor Tot

In advance of the release of Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (out on Fri 26 Nov), film critic and editor Fedor Tot looks at the film through the lens of post-Communist Romania.

 New Frontiers: Re-Imagining the West 

Posted on Wed 10 Nov 2021 by Lola McKinnon

Lola Mckinnon takes a closer look at the complex history of the Western, and its re-imagining through the eyes of female directors..

  November 2021 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Wed 3 Nov 2021

November's Cinema Podcast celebrates a return of audiences to the cinema, renewed partnerships through the fantastic Afrika Eye film festival, and a season of films and discussions challenging Myth and Masculinity in the Western.

Gathering Moss and ActZero Online Launch

Posted on Wed 27 Oct 2021

Please join us online on Wed 10 Nov to celebrate the launch of Gathering Moss – an online landscape populated with ideas provoking climate action, made by young artists in Bath...

Bristol-based Duncan Speakman, composer and sound artist, wins the Immersive Art and XR Award at the BFI London Film Festival.

Posted on Tue 19 Oct 2021

Congratulations to Pervasive Media Studio resident Duncan Speakman, who has won the Immersive Art and XR Award at the BFI London Film Festival for his augmented audio walk Only...

 Towards Recovery - what's next at Watershed? 

Posted on Mon 4 Oct 2021 by Louise Gardner

An update from Watershed on the next set of steps we are taking to rebuild our organisation and also to ask you to let us know what you are thinking and tell us how you are doing.

  October 2021 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 30 Sept 2021

An insight into the Caribbean film scene and a celebration of long-lost, Jamaican-set film No Place Like Home.

 Black History Month 2021 at Watershed 

Posted on Wed 29 Sept 2021 by Jo Lansdowne

A few highlights of things happening during Black History Month which offer audiences an opportunity to engage with Black creatives and their stories

An open call for Watershed’s Winter Residencies programme

Posted on Mon 27 Sept 2021

We’re delighted to announce an open call for our funded Winter Residencies programme - we’re looking for two UK based creative practitioners, who need time and support to develop ideas that blend art with technology.