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  It's Deaf Awareness Week

Posted on Mon 18 June 2018

For Deaf Awareness Week 2018 we helped raise awareness and celebrate BSL (British Sign Language). Meet some of our staff who are learning BSL.

  BSL Guide: Pervasive Media Studio Vocabulary – People

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

Following a Pervasive Media Studio specific training session in basic BSL and Deaf Awareness it was requested that some vocabulary would help with practice sessions, here's some of the people...

  BSL Guide: Pervasive Media Studio Vocabulary – Events

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

Following a Pervasive Media Studio specific training session in basic BSL and Deaf Awareness it was requested that some vocabulary would help with practice sessions, here's some of the Studio events...

  BSL Guide: Advance Revision – Receptive Skills

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

Test your BSL receptive skills - settle down and watch David and Nikki talk about their experiences of the last See Hear Festival. How much can you understand? The more you watch the more you understand.

  BSL Guide: Receptive skills - Finger spelling

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

What has David got planned for his evening? Can you work it out? Can you understand his finger spelling?

  BSL Guides: Receptive Skills - Useful phrases for the Bar

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

Here's David demonstrating some phrases that will help us out in our day to day tasks of running the bar.

  BSL Guide: Pervasive Media Studio Vocabulary – Technologies

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

Following a Pervasive Media Studio specific training session in basic BSL and Deaf Awareness it was requested that some useful vocabulary would help with practice sessions.

  BSL Guide: Pervasive Media Studio Vocabulary – Themes

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

Following a Pervasive Media Studio specific training session in basic BSL and Deaf Awareness it was requested that some vocabulary would help with practice sessions, here's some relevant themes...

  BSL Guide: Pervasive Media Studio Vocabulary – Verbs

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

Following a Pervasive Media Studio specific training session in basic BSL and Deaf Awareness it was requested that some vocabulary would help with practice sessions, here's some relevant verbs...

  All About Restored and Rediscovered

Posted on Tue 17 July 2018

Researcher Peter Walsh introduces the Restored and Rediscovered strand and talks about the classic films (The Big Lebowski and The Apartment) to watch again or enjoy for the first time on the big screen.

  Women on the Periphery Top Picks

Posted on Wed 11 July 2018

Tracey Moffatt, Gurinder Chadha, Ester Martin Bergsmark, Margaret Tait, Leslie Harris, Madeline Anderson… all of these brilliant women and loads more are going to be celebrated in Cinema Rediscovered’s Women on the Periphery strand, a programme that seeks to reframe and rediscover their singular talents.

Listen to Tara Judah, our Cinema Producer, talk a little more about the programme and what you can look forward to.