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  Future Producers 2014

Posted on Thu 2 Nov 2017

In 2014 Watershed welcomed the third group of young creatives aged 18-24, eager to learn about programming arts events.

  BSL Guide: Alphabet A-Z

Posted on Tue 28 Nov 2017

Watershed Guide to BSL: Alphabet A-Z

  BSL Guide: Wine

Posted on Tue 28 Nov 2017

Watershed Guide to BSL: Wine


Posted on Tue 14 Nov 2017

A mockumentary exploring the perils of online privacy and transparency.

  BSL Guide: Food

Posted on Tue 28 Nov 2017

Watershed Guide to BSL: Food

  Total Permission

Posted on Wed 8 Jan 2014

A short documentary which follows conductor Charles Hazlewood, founder of the British Paraorchestra, as he encounters the artistry within 12 of the Unlimited Commissions, a strand of the London 2012 Festival that encourages deaf and disabled artists to take risks to create work that is not just unlimited but exceptional.

  BSL Guide: Numbers 1-9

Posted on Tue 28 Nov 2017

Watershed Guide to BSL: Numbers 1-9

  Media Sandbox 2010: Sculpting With Scent

Posted on Mon 30 Oct 2017

A sculpture that is experienced through sense of smell that will act as a model to deliver other scent-based experiences to public spaces.

  McLuhan's Message: Picnic in Space

Posted on Mon 6 Nov 2017

Picnic in Space is a rare jewel of a film in which Marshall McLuhan banters with his long time cohort Harley Parker.

  Fishy Migrant Chips

Posted on Tue 14 Nov 2017

A right-leaning politician on the campaign trail explains his immigration policies in this comic mockumentary.

  Build A Feminist

Posted on Tue 14 Nov 2017

Feminism has been with us since the 19th Century, but what IS a feminist?