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  Slavery and Public History

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

This post-screening discussion focused on how 12 Years a Slave compares to the historical context of the slave trade.

12 Days of 12 Years

Posted on Wed 22 Jan 2014

  A Historical Introduction

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Mark Horton, Professor in Archaeology and regular on Coast and Time Team, introduced 12 Years a Slave and its historical context.

Kissing the Water

Posted on Wed 15 Jan 2014

Five days of 12 Years

Posted on Tue 14 Jan 2014

  12 Years a Slave: A Context to Slavery

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

This open discussion was led by Roger Griffith, Chair of Ujima Radio, following a screening of Steve McQueen's powerful film.

Watershed Top 10 Sellers of 2013

Posted on Fri 10 Jan 2014

We're only ten days into the New Year and we've all packed away the decorations, dusted off the mince pies and made resolutions we'll fail to keep. Let's spare a thought for 2013, a year when cities were playable, a British man lifted the Wimbledon trophy, and Gromit was well and truly unleashed - what did 2013 in film look like, and what were our top sellers?

Watershed's UK tour of Kenyan films opens tonight

Posted on Thu 9 Jan 2014

Following sold out screenings at Afrika Eye Festival last November, we are delighted to confirm that two new Kenyan films - Nairobi Half Life and Something Necessary - are now playing at cinemas and festivals across the UK as part of New Visions from Kenya: Celebrating 50 years of Independence. Audience reaction here at Watershed has been outstanding for both films.

Welcome to Recife: The Playable City

Posted on Wed 8 Jan 2014

This week we are delighted to welcome participants from Brazil and the UK who are joining us as part of the Recife: The Playable City programme. Participants will spend the next 10 days developing ideas here at Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio, before heading to Brazil in April to finalise their prototypes.

Reflections on 12 Years A Slave

Posted on Wed 8 Jan 2014