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BikeTAG Play Test: Colour Keepers

Project Ended in June 2013

Part exploration, part battle, part collaboration, part art experience...

Our Century

Project Ended in June 2013

Joff Winterhart and Tom Stubbs worked with 28 older people around Bristol to time-travel through living memory.

We've got Shakespeare covered...

Posted on Thu 30 May 2013

Byzantium returns to Watershed

Posted on Wed 29 May 2013

Opening this week at Watershed is Byzantium, directed by Neil Jordan and produced by Oscar®-winning Stephen Woolley (the team who brought us Interview With The Vampire) who have returned to the world of vampires with this deliciously depraved supernatural drama.

  Spirit of '45 Panel Discussion

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Ken Loach discusses his film Spirit of '45 with Julia Unwin (Joseph Rowntree Foundation) and Jason Cowley (New Statesman).

National Theatre Wales & Watershed work together to develop talent

Posted on Wed 22 May 2013

Watershed and National Theatre Wales are delighted to announce a new programme targeting creative Digital Producers to help develop and foster Welsh talent. In the first scheme of its kind in Wales, Watershed’s Digital Producers Lab will train twelve Digital Producers, to develop creative technology projects in Wales and present audiences with extraordinary new cultural experiences.