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February means Berlinale

Posted on Fri 8 Feb 2013

DepicT! 2013 Call for Entries

Posted on Mon 4 Feb 2013

  Dear Esther

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

This one-off filming of a Pervasive Media Studio lunchtime talk presents Dear Esther, an exploratory indie game.

  Watershed Council of Management Report 2012

Wed 4 April 2012

Report of Watershed's Council of Management and consolidated financial statements—Year ended 31 March 2012.

Filmic 2013 is coming soon!

Posted on Thu 24 Jan 2013

Bristol's Filmic presents world renowned composer Philip Glass, Goldfrapp's Will Gregory, PJ Harvey collaborator John Parish, 'Drokk' by Portishead's Geoff Barrow and BBC 'Life of....' composer Ben Salisbury as part of a three-month mash-up of film, music, talks, special live events.

Hello Lamp Post! winner of the Playable City Award

Posted on Mon 21 Jan 2013

We are delighted to announce Hello Lamp Post! by London-based experience design studio PAN, as the winner of Bristol’s first ever Playable City Award. Their idea was chosen from 93 applications from around the world and will be produced and installed in Bristol this summer, before touring internationally.

  American Mary: Filmmaker's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Directors Jen and Sylvia Soska discuss American Mary, a feature-length horror film which explores the gruesome world of back-alley surgery.

Watershed's Top 10 Sellers of 2012

Posted on Thu 10 Jan 2013

We've celebrated our 30th birthday, said goodbye to the Olympics, survived a fake apocalypse and taken down the Christmas decorations, so now 2013 is upon us with a vengeance we thought we'd take a look back at 2012's year in film here at Watershed.

Books & Print Sandbox projects announced

Posted on Wed 9 Jan 2013

The second round of REACT Sandbox funding has been announced today – eight successful bids have secured funding to complete their proposals for the Books & Print Sandbox.