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  RELAYS at Watershed

Posted on Tue 7 Nov 2017

A programme of film screenings, events and projects exploring the rich connections between sport, media, and culture.

Collaborating with 'thinking' machines and Sonic Graffiti

Posted on Thu 26 July 2012

These are the two ideas that will be explored through Watershed's Studio Residencies 2012 commissions: Collaborating with Artificial Intelligence and Sonic Graffiti.

  Herman Kolgen: Inject

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Artist Herman Kolgen discusses 'Inject', his award-winning audio/visual installation which is performed at swimming pools.

Sprinting to success?

Posted on Mon 23 July 2012

  A Visual Guide to the Olympics

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A panel of Olympic experts discuss the social, political, and cultural contexts that have accompanied the Olympics throughout history.

  Personal Best: Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Sam Blair discusses 'Personal Best', a documentary following the lives of four British sprinters both on the track, and off.

  Town of Runners Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Jerry Rothwell discusses 'Town of Runners', a feature length documentary exploring the running tradition of small Ethiopian town, Bekoji.