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Good tidings we bring (nearly)

Posted on Tue 4 Dec 2012

Electric December is live!

Posted on Fri 30 Nov 2012

Electric December, Watershed's annual short film competition, is here - ready to make December just that little bit more joyous with an outstanding online showcase of 24 short films from across Europe - one for each day of advent.This year we are thrilled to have received over 70 entries from across the UK and Europe including Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Romania and Poland. The final 24 films for Electric December's fourteenth edition were all selected due to their imaginative and distinctive style.

Bristol Palestine Film Festival puts itself on the map

Posted on Tue 20 Nov 2012

After the success of last year's inaugural festival, Bristol Palestine Film Festival returns to Bristol with films, talks, masterclasses and events exploring fresh perspectives on Palestine's economic, social, political and cultural life.

Playing the City

Posted on Thu 15 Nov 2012

Afrika Eye returns to Watershed with a bang!

Posted on Tue 6 Nov 2012

Bristol’s very own African film festival returns to Watershed from Fri 9 Nov to Sun 11 Nov with another great line-up of cinema, music, workshops and discussion. This year the festival takes a close look at fifty years of independence for Jamaica and also focuses on African trauma healing. With sixteen fascinating, diverse events that make up this year’s Festival programme, Afrika Eye Film Festival 2012 promises to be one of the highlights in Bristol’s cultural calendar.