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DepicT! '11 Shortlist Now Live!

Posted on Mon 10 Oct 2011

'Beef Penang to die for!'

Posted on Mon 3 Oct 2011

Bristol businesses gathered at Watershed to sample our new menu and their feedback shows it went down a storm!

Name the New Watershed Wheat Beer

Posted on Fri 30 Sept 2011

For quite some time now you’ve been asking us for a local wheat beer. Our answer to this request has always been that whilst we take great pride in our locally sourced menus, and stock lots of local favourites as part of our drinks selection, wheat beer from the South West has so far escaped our hot little hands… until now.

Wild Watershed: a weekend in the woods

Posted on Mon 26 Sept 2011

Our intrepid Exec Chef Oliver Pratt has just spent the weekend foraging in the Wye Valley for all the wild goodies he can find to add a genuine taste of autumn to our seasonal menu. Oliver makes this trip annually with his ecologist friend Ben and this year's trip resulted in a bumper haul of autumnal fruits, nuts and berries - not to mention buckets of inspiration! Oliver says:

The Space Metronome is working!

Posted on Mon 19 Sept 2011

Culture 24: Let's Get Real - How to evaluate success online?

Posted on Tue 6 Sept 2011

How can arts organisations really gauge their success online? Does counting the visitors to our websites really tell us anything? Do we need all the social media channels we start? Is there evidence of real engagement happening online? Do we really know what we are trying to achieve and who it is for?

Discover the new

Posted on Wed 31 Aug 2011

Welcome to the new Watershed website! It’s been a long time coming. More than five years, to be exact. What was wrong with the old one, you may wonder.It was dated. It was becoming unwieldy. It had teeny tiny text. But most of all, it didn’t accurately reflect the vibrancy and passion of Watershed or the wide variety of activities and opportunities we offer that make us special.