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Introducing our new Board members

Posted on Mon 21 March 2022

We are delighted to be working with trustees who will bring new wisdom, networks and questions to our governance process.  

Some Spring Changes at Watershed

Posted on Fri 18 March 2022

Monday opening, the return of Cinébabies, and 100% Cinema Capacity

Depict 2022 Call for entries is open!

Posted on Tue 8 March 2022

Submissions are now open for Depict ’22 – Watershed’s ultra-short film competition, part of Encounters Film Festival, committed to uncovering emerging filmmaking talent since 1998.  

Toilets for Everyone

Posted on Mon 7 March 2022

We are excited to launch a fundraising campaign that will help us on our journey to becoming one of the most inclusive, welcoming spaces in Bristol.

Introducing our Winter Residency Artists 2022

Posted on Mon 17 Jan 2022

Following an open call for our Winter Residencies programme, we’re excited to introduce the two artists who will develop incredible ideas that blend culture and creative technologies - from a flying saucer to a belly dancing robot.

Happy New Year

Posted on Tue 4 Jan 2022

Looking ahead to 2022 with positivity and kindness

Gathering Moss and ActZero Online Launch

Posted on Wed 27 Oct 2021

Please join us online on Wed 10 Nov to celebrate the launch of Gathering Moss – an online landscape populated with ideas provoking climate action, made by young artists in Bath...

Bristol-based Duncan Speakman, composer and sound artist, wins the Immersive Art and XR Award at the BFI London Film Festival.

Posted on Tue 19 Oct 2021

Congratulations to Pervasive Media Studio resident Duncan Speakman, who has won the Immersive Art and XR Award at the BFI London Film Festival for his augmented audio walk Only...

An open call for Watershed’s Winter Residencies programme

Posted on Mon 27 Sept 2021

We’re delighted to announce an open call for our funded Winter Residencies programme - we’re looking for two UK based creative practitioners, who need time and support to develop ideas that blend art with technology.

Creative Sector Growth Programme

Posted on Mon 20 Sept 2021

Watershed, in collaboration with Upstarter and Mark Leaver Consulting, is delivering a training programme for creative businesses at very early and growth stages.

Depict 2021 shortlist is now live!

Posted on Wed 8 Sept 2021

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