Undershed - an immersive gallery for Watershed

Woman sitting on floor beside some plants with headphones on

Undershed – an immersive gallery for Watershed

Coming Soon... 

We are excited to introduce our new space on the ground floor of Watershed which will showcase new and globally award-winning immersive art.

Bringing together our work across cinema and creative technology, as one of only a few places in the UK dedicated to showcasing immersive work.

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What will Undershed be?

Undershed will be a space for you to engage with interactive and immersive stories – you might step foot into a virtual world, experience soundscapes that transport you, or head out in the streets to play and explore.

Undershed will be a space which is inclusive, inviting, and open for a wide range of cultural experiences. It will be designed to be wildly sustainable and to foster togetherness.

The space will be programmed with high quality work from artists and makers – both home-grown talent and the best from around the world. Our thematic programming will extend across Watershed Cinemas and our Pervasive Media Studio.

We plan to open Undershed in early Autumn 2024 but please look out over the summer for some experiments that we will be running as we get ready to officially launch.

We're looking for partners and sponsors for Undershed – if you are interested please email Jo Lansdowne, Executive Producer.

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 Photo Credit - Jon Aitken, BBCRD Showcase Nov 2022

Undershed's development has been made possible with support from: