Lunchtime Talks

Lunchtime Talks



Lunchtime Talks are a series of informal presentations. We host them in our Pervasive Media Studio. They usually take place at 13:00 on a Friday, are free and are open to everybody.

Join us in the building and streaming online (on YouTube). Come along, bring a sandwich, and get to know more about the Studio community. Find out about current and up-coming projects, or residents' work.

From 10:00 - 17:00 you can stay at the Studio for Open Studio Fridays. This is a chance to continue the conversation or work on your own projects. The Studio provides chairs, tables, wireless and a great space. You bring what you need to work with (laptop/mobile). Tell us what you’re up to, or allow us to help make conversations within the resident community happen. Studio staff and residents will be around to chat, answer questions, or tell you more about what we do. The open afternoons close at 17:00, sometimes with a trip to the Café & Bar.

The Studio is beyond the Café & Bar, turn right and then go down the corridor to your left (where the toilets are). The double doors here will be open, go all the way down until you reach the Studio. A member of staff will sign you in, and check your ticket, if you have booked.

Upcoming events in this season

Inclusive UX

Lunchtime Talk
Inclusive UX
Fri 4 April 13:00-14:00
Talk (In venue + Live Stream)

In this talk, Joyce Lee shares her findings from the last six months exploring digital user experience (UX) in Arts and Cultural events from the perspective of people with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism.

Post Growth Entrepreneurship
Fri 11 April 13:00-14:00
Talk (In venue + Live Stream)

In this talk, Dr. Melanie Rieback, Co-founder of Radically Open Security and Nonprofit Ventures explores 'Post Growth Entrepreneurship,' a new way to build sustainable, mission-driven businesses that put impact before profit.

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