Blow Out

classified 18

Watching The Watcher


Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

Brian De Palma
John Travolta, Nancy Allen, John Lithgow
108 mins, 1981, USA
Primary language

In the enthralling Blow Out, brilliantly crafted by Brian De Palma, John Travolta gives one of his greatest performances as a film sound-effects man who believes he has accidentally recorded a political assassination.

To uncover the truth, he enlists the help of a possible eyewitness to the crime (Nancy Allen), who may be in danger herself.

With its jolting stylistic flourishes, intricate plot, profoundly felt characterisations, and gritty evocation of early-1980s Philadelphia, Blow Out is an American paranoia thriller unlike any other, as well as a devilish reflection on moviemaking.

[Source: Criterion]

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