Watching The Watcher
Artwork credit: Simon Hamlyn

Watching The Watcher


Please note : this season finished in Aug 2023

Steeped in noir and suffused with paranoia, this season has been programmed to coincide with the rerelease of Bette Gordon’s subversive underground hit Variety (1983), screening here from 11 Aug. Variety follows Christine, an aspiring writer, who finds unexpected liberation when she takes a job selling tickets at a porn cinema in downtown NY.

Described by Gordon as ‘a story about looking’, the film offers a nuanced reflection on the nature of the cinematic gaze through challenging and inverting the conventions of noir – reversing the traditional gender roles of the stalker and the stalked, the watcher and the watched.

From Antonioni’s countercultural masterpiece on the act of seeing and image-making Blow-Up (1966), to the later De Palma neo-noir it inspired – Blow Out (1981), this season revisits pillars of the surveillance and thriller canon, in which voyeurism itself becomes the focus of perhaps the most naturally voyeuristic of the arts – cinema.

Previous screenings in this season

Blow Out

classified 18 Watching The Watcher
Blow Out
Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

De Palma’s quintessential paranoia thriller features a brilliant turn from John Travolta as a sound-effects artist turned amateur investigator.


classified 15 Watching The Watcher
Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

Klute stars an Oscar®-winning Jane Fonda in a character study suffused with paranoia, capturing the mood of early 70s New York.


classified 15 Watching The Watcher
Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

A countercultural masterpiece about the act of seeing and the art of image making, Blow-Up takes the form of a psychological mystery.

Rear Window

classified PG Watching The Watcher
Rear Window
Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

Hitchcock’s technical tour-de-force is at once a study in voyeurism, a reflection of watching movies and a brilliant thriller.

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