Found in: Festive Films
Tokyo Godfathers

Tokyo Godfathers

classified 12A S

Festive Films at Watershed


Please note: This was screened in Dec 2023

Satoshi Kon
Tôru Emori, Yoshiaki Umegaki, Aya Okamoto
88 mins, & Subtitled, 2003, Japan
Primary language

From the singular mind of the late Satoshi Kon comes an alternative festive tale you’ll never forget. And this year it's celebrating its 20th anniversary.

The film follows a group of three homeless people who find an abandoned baby on Christmas Eve. Together they set off on a quest across the snowy streets of Tokyo in an attempt to reunite it with its mother. Along the way they meet with a series of colourful characters and experience unexpected acts of kindness.

Kon's film offers a reflection on the experiences homeless individuals face with sensitivity – particularly during these colder months. It also reflects on the importance of the families we are given and create.

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