Robot Dreams

Robot Dreams

classified PG

Please note: This was screened in April 2024

Pablo Berger
Ivan Labanda, Tito Trifol, Rafa Calvo
102 mins, 2023, Spain

The Oscar®-nominated dialogue-free Robot Dreams is the first animated film from Pablo Berger (Blancanieves).

1980s Manhattan. Dog is lonely. He spends a lot of time by himself, whiling away long evenings in his studio apartment. Tired of his solitary existence, he decides to buy a friend. When his order arrives, he builds Robot, a happy-go-lucky companion to keep him company.

Enjoying an idyllic day together, they end up at Coney Island beach. But they soon become separated. Dog, devastated at the loss of his friend, does everything in his power to get Robot back.

Robot Dreams is a beautifully bittersweet buddy comedy that embraces ambiguity and the uncertainty of life’s path.

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