I Heard it Through the Grapevine

classified PG

Please note: This was screened in April 2024

Dick Fontaine, Pat Hartley
James Baldwin, David Baldwin
95 mins, 1982, USA
Primary language

Two decades after the civil rights struggles in Birmingham and Selma, Atlanta and other parts of the South, James Baldwin revisited those cities as well as Newark, Washington and Jacksonville, to look back on those events and any progress made since.

In Meeting the Man (shown in Bristol Ideas' previous Baldwin film programme from 2023) Baldwin said, ‘I’m one of the very few dark people in the world who have a voice.’ In this film, he uses his voice to show the potential in people, despite the hardship and violence they face.

As he listens to activists and community leaders, especially young people, he honours their stories, their histories, and their endless work for justice.

Presented in partnership with Bristol Ideas, which is part of their Baldwin on Film series. This is a new restoration by the Harvard Film Archive, with thanks to The Film Desk for their support.

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