Projection Tour

Projection Tour

Reframing Film

Join BFI National Archive Curator Rosie Taylor on a tour of Watershed’s projection booth and discover how the films screening at the festival make it to the screen during a festival like Cinema Rediscovered.

Watershed is one of a decreasing number of cinemas in the country which can still screen 35mm and 16mm film, alongside 2K and 4K digital projection. Discover how digital and analogue film projection works, why each of Watershed’s three cinemas are unique, and find out about the individual projectors and films.

The tour will start in the top foyer of Watershed next to the festival information desk and will last approximately 30 minutes. You will have the opportunity to meet some of our Award-winning technical team and ask questions.

Rosie Taylor is an archivist and historian with a special interest in archive film projection, who has sourced and screened films from archives, museums, historians and private collectors all over the world.

Please note: Due to various stairwells in our listed building, this tour unfortunately isn't accessible for wheelchair users.

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