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classified 15

Other Minds


Sun 8 Sept 14:00

Spike Jonze
Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson
126 mins, 2013, USA
Primary language

In the Los Angeles of the near-future Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix), a complex and soulful man, makes his living dictating heartfelt, hand-written letters on behalf of other people. Coming to terms with the end of his marriage, he finds himself drawn to a new, advanced Operating System (OS), which promises to be the perfect technological companion.

The OS in question is Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), and the two hit it off. What starts as a mutual understanding steadily becomes a love affair as they share intimate thoughts and feelings and even double date with Theodore’s (human) friends. Could a relationship with an OS be better than real life?

Directed from the witty perspective of music-video maestro Spike Jonze (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich), this moving and entirely original love story explores the evolving nature of intimacy, authenticity, and loneliness in the modern world.

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