Found in: Other Minds Calendar

Ex Machina

classified 15

Other Minds


Sun 15 Sept 14:00

Alex Garland
Alicia Vikander, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac
108 mins, 2015, UK, USA
Primary language

Alex Garland’s directorial debut blurs the lines between human and machine with all too familiar and now ever more contemporary questions.

Caleb Smith, a young computer coder (Domhnall Gleeson), wins a competition to spend a week at the private estate of his tech firm’s reclusive CEO (Oscar Isaac).

When he arrives, Caleb learns that he has been chosen to be the human component in a Turing test to determine the capabilities and consciousness of robot Ava (Alicia Vikander). However, it soon becomes evident that Ava is far more self-aware and deceptive than either of the men imagined.

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