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Adventures in Animation: The Art and Artistry of Richard Williams
Credit: Alex Williams

Adventures in Animation: The Art and Artistry of Richard Williams

classified 15

Sat 28 Sept 14:30

70 mins

To mark the publication of Adventures in Animation, this event will celebrate the art and artistry of animator Richard Williams through a series of career highlights and clips of his work presented by his wife Mo Sutton.

Richard Williams is widely regarded as the most important animator since the days of the masters of the Disney studio. Whilst he is most famously known for heading up the animation on the innovative mix of live action and animated characters in Robert Zemeckis’ Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), Williams has a career which embraces three Oscars®, title sequences for Blake Edwards’ Return of the Pink Panther (1975) and The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976) and his magnum opus The Thief and the Cobbler - a painstakingly hand-animated epic inspired by the Arabian Nights which he worked on throughout his life.

In his later years Richard was a popular, much-loved figure around Bristol, who very happily took up Aardman’s offer of studio space at their Harbourside HQ, and a regular on the cornet for live performances to silent film at the annual Slapstick Festival.

The screening will also include two short films Imogen made about Richard talking about his work, plus a screening of Richard's final film Prologue.

Introduced and followed by a Q&A with the book's author Mo Sutton.

Adventures in Animation will be available to buy at the event courtesy of Gloucester Road Books, which Imogen will be signing.

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