Found in: Other Minds
Other Minds Guest Talk: Karen Palmer

Other Minds Guest Talk: Karen Palmer

Other Minds


Please note: This event took place in Sept 2024

We're delighted to host a talk with artist Karen Palmer, in which she explores bias in AI and surveillance through her award winning experience Consensus Gentium.

Karen is the Storyteller from the Future, an award winning XR creator, futurist and TED Speaker who explores the implications of AI. She does this through enabling participants to experience the future through her immersive film experiences which capture the user using AI and facial recognition technologies.

She has been featured in Channel 4, BBC TV News, CBS News and Wired Magazine.

In 2023 Karen won the XR Experience Competition at SXSW 2023 with Consensus Gentium. Previously she received Honorary Mention for the STARTS Prize ARS Electronica and Digital Dozen Award. Her work has been exhibited internationally from the V&A to the Museum of Modern Art in Peru to the Phi Centre Canada.

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