A Bout De Soufflé

À Bout de Souffle

classified PG S

part of Chair's Choice Sunday Brunches


Please note: This was screened in Feb 2015

Jean-Luc Godard
Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Seberg, Daniel Boulanger, Jean-Pierre Melville
90 mins, Subtitled, 1960

Jean Luc Godard's brilliant directorial debut singlehandedly launched the French New Wave, one of the most thrilling cinema movements of the 60s. Still fresh and full of energy after all these years, it stars Jean-Paul Belmondo as a Bogart-loving crook on the run in Paris with his gamine ex-lover (Jean Seberg). The clothes, the jazz, the brazen use of jump cuts, the film buff nods, and the black and white Paris cityscapes are still timelessly cool and bursting with joie de vivre. If this is what it's really like to be young and in love, sign me up

As Derrick recalls:

“Originally I wanted to show Pierrot le Fou in this slot, but it was simply not available. So I opted instead for Godard's first and perhaps most influential film which helped to create and shape the French New Wave. A movement that influenced the nature of film in the succeeding decades.”

Tickets: £5.50 full / £4.00 concessions and get £1.00 off all meal orders £7.00 or over in the Café/Bar on the same day with your ticket. See our full range of menus here.

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