Chair's Choice Sunday Brunches
Please note : this season finished in Feb 2015
For more than fifteen years now Derrick Price has been Chair of Watershed’s Council of Management. This long and distinguished period of service finally comes to an end with the announcement that he has stepped down from the Council of Management. Throughout his time here Derrick has overseen many key developments including the building of our third cinema screen, the accession of the pervasive media studio and the expansion of the Café/Bar. By way of thanks and as a parting gift to mark what feels something like akin to the end of an era for us, we invited Derrick to curate our February Sunday brunches. With an entire history of cinema to chose from he has picked four films that reflect his love of cinema and which all connect in some way to his experience of Watershed. With heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the work Derrick has done for Watershed over the years and with our best wishes, here’s to going out on a high.
So how does one approach picking just four films from more than a century of cinematic history? Derrick explains some of the challenges and rationale behind his choices:
"Most Sunday brunch film screenings at Watershed are themed over the month, but in February I get to choose four films without any rationale other than the fact that I like them. This is a great opportunity, but it throws up all kinds of questions. Should I show off my cultural capital by picking little known gems from distant continents? Should I play the popularity card and go for well-loved movies? Simpler, perhaps, to choose those films that impressed me when I first saw them even though they may seem much less resonant now?I soon I realised there was no way anyone who has spent a lifetime going to the cinema could pick just four films without using a certain amount of randomness. But I did apply some principles to the task. I wanted to show very different kinds of films. Movies that need to be looked at in different ways and offer diverse pleasures."
Derrick Price, Chairman of Watershed Arts Board.
Tickets: £5.50 full / £4.00 concessions and get £1.00 off all meal orders £7.00 or over in the Café/Bar on the same day with your ticket. See our full range of menus here.