

classified U

part of Chair's Choice Sunday Brunches


Please note: This was screened in Feb 2015

F. W. Murnau
George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor, Margaret Livingston, Bodil Rosing
95 mins, 1927, USA

F.W. Murnau’s beautiful portrait of human fallibility is regarded by many as one of the most visually stunning and emotionally rich silent films ever made. Chronicling the murderous desires and repentance of a young farmer whose domestic bliss is threatened by the arrival of a voluptuous city vamp, it’s Murnau’s stunning expressionist imagery beautifully evokes the inner passion, pain and romanticism that’s at the heart this love triangle.

Why Sunrise? Derrick explains:

“Of at least half a dozen silent movies I can think of that deserve to be revisited, I chose Murnau’s Sunrise because I love the image of the wicked city it represents.”

Tickets: £5.50 full / £4.00 concessions and get £1.00 off all meal orders £7.00 or over in the Café/Bar on the same day with your ticket. See our full range of menus here.

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