Russian Ark

Russian Ark

classified U S

part of Chair's Choice Sunday Brunches


Please note: This was screened in Feb 2015

Aleksandr Sokurov
Sergei Dreiden, Maria Kuznetsova, Leonid Mozgovoy, Mikhail Piotrovsky
100 mins, Subtitled, 2003, Russia/Germany/Japan/Canada/Finland/Denmark

Staggeringly ambitious and technically spellbinding, Alexander Sokurov's 2002 film is a miracle of cinematography. A dreamlike journey through St. Petersburg's Hermitage Museum shot in one entirely unedited take, 300 years of Russian culture and history are recreated in its vast labyrinth of corridors, theatres and ballrooms in this cinematic tour de force.

As Derrick recalls:

“When it came out in 2002 critics were so impressed by its single shot that lasted 96 minutes that they didn’t stress enough how radical an experience it is to be in the anarchic stream and sweep of this film. It purports to present a narrative tale from Russian history. Good luck with making sense of that! My advice is sit back and go with the flow. I chose it not only because I think it’s a very exciting and different way of experiencing film but because I previously knew nothing about it and I only got to see it because it was on at Watershed.”

Tickets: £5.50 full / £4.00 concessions and get £1.00 off all meal orders £7.00 or over in the Café/Bar on the same day with your ticket. See our full range of menus here.

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