Please note: This event took place in Oct 2017
In 2016 all the UK research councils came together to fund a new programme of research. The RCUK/Innovate UK Urban Living Partnership aims to harness UK research and innovation strengths and to help cities realise a vision of healthy, prosperous and sustainable living. These future cities will support strong regional and national economies. They will be resilient, with the ability to adapt and thrive in response to environmental, economic or social change. They will be responsive to the needs and aspirations of their diverse communities.
Five cities were successful in bidding to be pilot sites: Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Newcastle & Gateshead and York. Though led by universities, each study brought together university researchers, local authorities and over 70 partners from business and the third sector in multidisciplinary initiatives that seek to rewrite the blueprint for the evolution of city living.
Each project faced distinct challenges and shared common goals. These included empowering citizens to co-design their future cities and finding ways to turn grand aspirations into mutually beneficial business opportunities, leading to greater health, wellbeing and prosperity for all.
As the research nears its end, this session – chaired by Rachel Cooper – brings together researchers, their partners and funders with the public to identify what has been learned about cities; identify strategies and programmes of work that will see cities transformed in the future; and identify where research is needed next.