Festival of the Future City 2017
Please note : this season finished in Oct 2017
How do we make the cities that we really want to live in? The future of cities is fraught with challenges, but full of possibility.
Set over three days, the second Festival of the Future City – which aims to be the largest public debate about the future of cities – brings together politicians, writers, artists, scientists, change-makers, academics, journalists, students, the public, economists, futurists, policy makers, roboticists, philosophers, filmmakers, think tanks, charities, social enterprises, city-builders and more and provides a focus for debate, partnership-building and learning.
Join us to explore the key issues for the future of our cities: how we can solve growing inequality and segregation; build healthy cities and places; foster sustainable cities; ensure that all ages can live and flourish at all levels; and explore a future of devolved powers.
The Festival of the Future City is presented by Bristol Festival of Ideas in association with Future Cities Catapult.
Previous screenings & events in this season
Festival of the Future City
A screening of this film and history project by Black South West Network (BSWN) which looks at the relationships between heritage, race, identity and belonging for the Black and Ethnic Minority community in Bristol.
Brexit and the Future of Cities
Festival of the Future City
Nearly 52 per cent of people in the UK voted to leave the EU in the referendum of 2016. However, most major cities voted to remain. A panel will discuss this split and what it means for the future of the UK.
Citizen Jane
classified PG Festival of the Future City
Journalist and activist Jane Jacobs's fight to save historic New York architecture.
How Do We Create Child-Friendly Cities?
Festival of the Future City
What is a child-friendly city? How does this link to other city visions for healthy, green, resilient, connected and fair places? What policy changes need to be achieved to make cities truly child-friendly?
Bristol: One City - Shaping the Future
Festival of the Future City
This is a participative session, allowing attendees to share their vision for the city and shape Bristol’s future on topics such as health and well-being, education and skills, growth, communities and transport and infrastructure.
People, Healthy Towns and Cities
Festival of the Future City
The growing importance of cities provides a great opportunity to radically rethink how we live and how we can improve health in the built environment. But how do we make cities and towns healthier places to be?
Race, Gender and the Future of Cities
Festival of the Future City
The #ThereISBlackInTheUnionJack project looks at race in Bristol through the generations, including women of colour.
Building Integrated and Inclusive Cities
Festival of the Future City
Bringing together cutting-edge research into inclusive growth and city leadership the panel addresses how future cities can avoid the problems of past growth and become places for all.
We Can Make: Affordable Citizen-Led Housing
Festival of the Future City
This session brings together innovators from across the UK who are experimenting with new ways in which the citizen sector can play a bigger role in making the homes we want and need.
Future Cities Catapult: Healthy Cities
Festival of the Future City
The health concerns associated with urban living are not new, but they are challenges that are growing in significance. In this session a number of key topics will be outlined in presentations by experts and then explored further in a chaired panel discussion.
Walk: How Technology Shapes Cities: Past, Present and Future
Festival of the Future City
In this Harbourside walk Peter Madden describes Bristol’s history and suggests how we can plan effectively for the future.
Social Mobility, Immobility and the Future of Cities
Festival of the Future City
The British love the idea of social mobility, but Britain fails to make it a reality for many today. This panel discusses the role of cities in social mobility and how we can make major change happen.
National Conversation on Immigration Workshop
Festival of the Future City
What does Bristol think about immigration, past, currently and for the future? People from the Bristol community come together to discuss and debate attitudes to immigration.
Building a Healthy City
Festival of the Future City
This series of short presentations highlights local projects that are creating a healthier and more environmentally sustainable future city.
If Women Built Cities
Festival of the Future City
How different would cities be if women built them? How do we extend the rights to the city to all?
Immigration and Future Cities
Festival of the Future City
In the wake of the decision to leave the EU following the 2016 referendum this session asks how might immigration change after Brexit? What are the risks or opportunities? And can a common ground be found or will there be further polarisation?
Keeping it Circular: The Opportunity of Locally Focussed Money
Festival of the Future City
What are the benefits of this locally-focused financial ecology and what makes Bristol a centre for it all?
Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and US Cities in the Age of Trump
Festival of the Future City
Andrew Moore will be in conversation with Nick Pearce about the current horizon for artificial intelligence, robotics and Big Data and the social, economic and political implications of technological change.
Sustainability and the Future of Cities
Festival of the Future City
How do we create sustainable cities? What powers must central government part with to allow cities to be free to act? How radical can cities be?
New Approaches to Urban Living
Festival of the Future City
This session brings together researchers, their partners and funders with the public to identify what has been learned about cities; identify strategies and programmes of work that will see cities transformed in the future; and identify where research is needed next.
Sustainable Development Goals and Cities: An International Perspective
Festival of the Future City
This panel explores how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (which cover 17 areas where major progress is needed by 2030) are being implemented across the world.
Giving Power to the People: The Future of Devolution
Festival of the Future City
Michael Heseltine has always been a strong supporter of cities and devolution. He talks now about his vision for cities for the future and where devolution can go next.
Urban Speculations: Imagining Alternatives to the Built Environment
Festival of the Future City
This workshop looks at the lessons learned about the commercialisation of city spaces and the impact this has on the built environment.
Using Research for City Futures: Keynotes
Festival of the Future City
How do we use research to provide practical solutions to city problems and what partnerships can be developed to secure the best results from research?
Future Cities Catapult: Data Visualisation Workshop
Festival of the Future City
This hands-on workshop for SMEs is a beginner’s introduction to the tools, techniques and storytelling skills required to turn raw city data into striking visualisations.
Making the City Playable
Festival of the Future City
This one day conference will explore the theme of the Playable City and how public space, creativity and imagination combines to create unexpected interactions and new kind of dialogue.
Cities, Research, Urban Futures and the Political Response
Festival of the Future City
What happens to city research? Our panellists discuss what happens in government and what might be done to improve the research/policy-making process.
What Can We Learn from Cities of the Past?
Festival of the Future City
What lessons can we take from the great cities of the past that can help us today and into the future? Philosopher Julian Baggini chairs this panel discussion.
Radical Technologies and the Future of Cities
Festival of the Future City
Everywhere we turn, a startling new device promises to make life easier, more convenient and more productive. What challenges do these innovations present to us, as individuals and societies?
Looking at Cities and Cityscapes, Art and Cinema
Festival of the Future City
From great works of art to tourist photographs, from cityscapes to cinema, through science and protest, propaganda and refusals to look, filmmaker and writer Mark Cousins illuminates how we construct as well as receive the things we see.
DiverCities: What Makes Your Bristol?
Festival of the Future City
Take one location in the city. How would you culturally and creatively represent Bristol? This workshop introduces the Creative Europe project Future DiverCities.
Civil Society and the Future of Cities
Festival of the Future City
Julia Unwin explores the future needs and opportunities of civil society in cities.
Will Driverless Cars Liberate Cities?
Festival of the Future City
It is said that 40 years from now our cities will look very different to how they look today thanks to driverless cars.
Future Architecture and Future Cities
Festival of the Future City
What's the best new thinking about the future of cities coming from architects, politicians and architectural commentators and what can we learn from recent experience in the UK, Brazil, Syria and elsewhere?
Good Work in the Future City
Festival of the Future City
What is the future of work in cities? What can city leaders do to promote good work? Our panellists examine work trends, low-pay, universal basic income and the evidence base for the future of work, among other issues.
Future Cities Catapult: City Information Models
Festival of the Future City
The way in which we use information about our cities is about to undergo a fundamental change. This session will explore some of the trends and how the concept of city information models can begin to tie together some of the disparate developments in technology, city planning and management.
The Future of Metro Devolution
Festival of the Future City
Six new combined authority mayors were elected in May 2017. Together they have responsibility for nearly ten million people and economies worth over £200bn. What can mayors do with the powers they have now? What will the future bring?
Smart Cities and Smart Citizens
Festival of the Future City
How do we make sure that smart cities involve citizens and bring together commercial and community uses?
Future Cities Catapult: Urban Mobility
Festival of the Future City
A look at urban mobility challenges and the impact of their deployment in the wider city environment.
World Cities
Festival of the Future City
What can we learn from cities worldwide? Leading researchers, novelists, city planners, writers and commentators report on cities that they work in, know intimately, continue to praise and worry about.
Psychology and the City
Festival of the Future City
Charles Landry and Comedia have long been pioneers of new thinking about cities. With Chris Murray (Core Cities), Landry outlines why urban psychology is important. They are joined by Michael Sanders (Behavioural Insights Team) who talks about how the behavioural sciences can help create better policy in places for the future.
How Should Cities Deal with the Legacies of Guilt?
Festival of the Future City
How cities and places should deal with guilt due to past actions is a debate around the world and it’s a big debate in Bristol too.
Workshop: Collaborating with Communities in Creating Their Own Spaces with the City
Festival of the Future City
Grass-roots activities can regenerate areas and empower communities to take ownership of their own shared spaces within the city. This panel explores the interplay between ‘top down’ and ‘ground up’ interventions and places in between.
New Cities for a New World
Festival of the Future City
How do we create better cities for the world we now live in? In this session we discuss modern slavery, how to rebuild cities after war, and how American cities are leading the way on many positive initiatives.
Dispossession: The Great Social Housing Swindle
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Paul Sng's documentary explores the catastrophic failures that have led to a chronic shortage of social housing in Britain.