The Final Year

The Final Year

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in Jan 2018

Greg Barker
John Kerry, Barack Obama, Samantha Power |
90 mins, 2017, USA

Featuring unprecedented access inside the White House, The Final Year offers an uncompromising view of the inner workings of the Obama Administration and President Obama's foreign policy team as they prepare to leave power after eight years.

Secretary of State John Kerry, UN Ambassador Samantha Power, Deputy National Security Advisor and presidential confidant Ben Rhodes, as well as National Security Advisor Susan Rice and President Obama himself travel the world attempting to solidify and "lock-in" policies that they believe will define their legacy, promote diplomacy over large-scale military action, and fundamentally alter how the US government confronts questions of war and peace.

The unfolding crisis in Syria (and Russia's role), the resurgence of nationalism, and the results of the US election all challenge this legacy in unexpected and fundamental ways, leading the team to re-evaluate their lasting achievements as they prepare to hand over the machinery of American power.

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