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Blood + Homage: The Cinematic Obsessions of Yann Gonzalez


Please note: This was screened in July 2019

Brian De Palma
Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, Amy Irving
94 mins, 1976, USA
Primary language
It’s a teenage tragedy, very beautiful, and also a love story. It’s this mixture of sensitivities that I really like in De Palma’s films. He is one of the most genius filmmakers alive.

– Yann Gonzalez, talking about Brian De Palma's Carrie

Sissy Spacek is heartbreaking as the telekinetic Cinderella who turns her school prom into a bloody massacre in Brian De Palma’s horror classic.

De Palma's adaptation of Stephen King's debut novel sees Carrie, a shy, withdrawn teenager discover she has paranormal powers, which she uses to protect herself from her abusive mother and classmates. When a friendly student invites her to the prom, she is determined to enjoy herself and is amazed when she is crowned queen of the ball - but joy turns to fury when her tormentors play a cruel prank.

An unforgettable package of pop psychology and psychic phenomena, De Palma’s innovative visual techniques, combined with his fascination with themes such as guilt and sexuality mean Carrie remains a transfixing experience.

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