Watershed Celebrates Earth Day

Watershed Celebrates Earth Day


Tue 22 April

Watershed’s Environmental Group invites you to join us to celebrate the work we’re doing to reduce our environmental impact and empower our community to do the same.

Our all-day celebration will kick off with free drop-in clothes mending workshop taking place in our Café & Bar.

Then at 18:00, we'll be screening six short films about community action, followed by a panel discussion with some of the filmmakers. This event will highlight the power of storytelling which focuses on climate action, and the incredible work being done at a regional level to create lasting change.

After the screening and panel discussion, we’ll then be taking over our Waterside 3 Event Space for our Earth Day MIngle. This will be an opportunity to make connections, talk about your hopes for the cultural sector and to get to know others in the Bristol climate action community in a relaxed and sociable setting. There will also be interactive art pieces about climate change that have been produced by residents from our Pervasive Media Studio.

Upcoming screenings & events in this season

Darn It! Earth Day Clothes Mending Workshop
Tue 22 April 10:30

Gather your well-loved clothes - the ones you had worn so much that they’ve now seen better days - and bring them to the Café & Bar for a FREE all-day drop-in mending workshop.

Earth Day - Short Film Showcase

classified 15 Earth Day
Earth Day - Short Film Showcase
Tue 22 April 18:00

Join Watershed's Environment Group for an evening of short films that celebrate community, climate action and storytelling to inspire change.

Earth Day Mingle
Tue 22 April 20:00

Join us for an evening of networking, discussions, and community engagement celebrating climate action.

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