Stories > by latest
College Green
Join the skaters and “emos” on College Green.0:52
Lost in Transition
Ella Bissett Jonshon
A sudden 200 mile trip makes Bristol “home”.0:38
A Pig Named George
Maia and Candice
A story of an Austrlian pig, Bristol’s famous Blue Glass, a skinny celeb and the skaters of College Green…!3:18
Domino Days
Cleo Lake
A tribute to “London”, Cleo’s father.2:27
Book Project
Sarah Maude
Sarah’s idea led to a project linking a local library, charity shops, a banana company, shipping and truck hire companies…4:09
Walking on Dundry Hill
A walk through time over Dundry Hill.2:07
Journey in the Woods
“If you go down to the woods today…”0:29
This is a story of…
Anna and Ahmet
A story celbrating the freedom of life in England.0:58
Bristol Beauty
Sarah Najariani
A Iranian poem written about Bristol. Made in partnership with City of Bristol College.3:21
Artists First
Sarah and Kathy
Artists First is a group of artists with learning difficulties. This is the story of their search for a building in which to base…1:33
Painting Life
Peter Sutton
Peter, a member of Artists First, shares his work.2:21
Dreams and Memories
Jacky Long
A dream home, and a place of sad memories too.