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  • 2:26
    Still from Annie’s Story

    Annie’s Story
    Annie Thompson
    Having spina bifida has not stopped Annie from living an independent life and moving to her own flat in Filton.
  • 2:31
    Still from Lawrence

    Looking at Bristol through the eyes of a child can throw-up some surprising thoughts.
  • 2:28
    Still from Prefabs

    Doreen Hancock
    Doreen Hancock loves her house and garden but is fighting to stay there as developers move in.
  • 1:57
    Still from Riding Home

    Riding Home
    Becky Dix
    Commuting by bicycle to a different world.
  • 2:07
    Still from Bristol, Slavery and I

    Bristol, Slavery and I
    Marius Aznar
    A look at Bristol’s historic links with slavery through Spanish eyes.
  • 1:31
    Still from Homeground

    Jane Sallis
    The hunt for an artists’ studio.
  • 1:16
    Still from Who am I?

    Who am I?
    Charlene Price
    Charlene goes on a search for her true identity.
  • 1:09
    Still from The Home Land

    The Home Land
    Ras Selassie
    Ras explains how he keeps in contact with his African and Rastafarian heritage while living in England.
  • 2:01
    Still from Why Bristol?

    Why Bristol?
    Liz Milner
    “A map of Britain and a pin…” Liz tells the story of how she ended up living just outside Bristol.
  • 1:48
    Still from The successful drummer

    The successful drummer
    Lloyd Wilson
    Louis takes us into to the future to look back on his amazing musical career.
  • 0:48
    Still from Great Expectations

    Great Expectations
    Keith tells the story of how he came to Bristol as a teenager.
  • 5:19
    Still from History Repeats Itself

    History Repeats Itself
    Nicky Davies
    Memories of a country childhood as Bristol expands ever further into the surrounding countryside.