Theme > Friends & Families
A Mosquito in Easton
Reethah Desai
Reethah takes us on a guided tour of her neighbourhood and shows the results of a local campaign to improve the area.1:23
Fowl Play
Lesley Belgium and Knowle…
One exercise regime I wouldn’t want to repeat in a hurry, and all before breakfast.2:34
Jacobs Wells Road
Martin Rieser
Co-incidence or sixth sense linking medieval Bristol to a moment of terror.2:04
Life Changes
Karron Chaplin and Knowle…
Walking is exercising without realising it. It’s good for the mind, body and soul.3:42
My Holiday Adventure
Laura Hamilton
Remembering a close encounter with sharks on a childhood holiday in Scotland.3:34
Putting Places in Place
Penny Evans
A pick’n mix childhood memory of 13 schools and 12 moves.2:16
Roses from a Stranger
Beth Trimmer
Dancers may look glamorous but they aren’t delicate. They pull muscles and still high-kick the Can-Can. Until one day glamour…3:10
Silencing the Dog
Jon Wisbey
From initial misgivings about moving to Barton Hill comes a sense of belonging and the desire to capture on film the changing face…2:20
The Meridian Phoenix
Martin Rieser
The flames of love fanned in a very unusual way.2:01
Paddy Uglow
A story about a spiritual journey, ending in Bristol.1:57
Under the Bridge
Terryl Bacon
What happens when you cross Pero’s Bridge?3:19
Victoria Square
Martin Rieser
A dark tale from a leafy square.