Theme > Friends & Families

Zimbabwe Relief
Martin Munemo
Martin uses his freedom to travel by helping children in Zimbabwe.9:43

This is my home
Maria talks about the difficulty of being an immigrant, and not being allowed to work in the UK.7:50

Immigration Story
Anon, Zimbabwe
The political situation in Zimbabwe forced a mother to leave her children in Africa and escape to Britain. Due to fear of president…1:11

Paul Robeson: My Name…
Anna Farthing
How did a British trade-unionist get named after a black actor from the USA?1:46

Paul Robeson: Paul…
Sadie Smith
20th century actor, singer and campaigner Paul Robeson influenced people of many races and countries, as well as learning 20…1:56

Paul Robeson: Young…
Anna Farthing
20th century black actor, singer and campaigner Paul Robeson’s influence has touched many people and his music has been heard…1:52

Paul Robeson: The…
Anna Farthing
Actress Pearl talks about how she is inspired by Paul Robeson, the first black man to perform the part of Shakespeare’s Othello.6:12

A Journey from Somalia…
Three Somalian women tell of how they escaped war in Somalia and came to live in Bristol.1:21

Home Is Where The…
Julie Gough
Julie holds her family memories in the sea.4:25

How Lovely To Ride A…
Iside Calascibetta Di…
Two schools, two sisters, one bicycle and a lie-in; Iside risks all to get both her little sister and herself to school in time!4:06

My Experiences Of…
Gloria Ingham
How Gloria moved from the Phillipines to England, and how she settled in.3:08

My Lucky Day
Catherine Davison
One good turn deserves another, on land and on sea.