Theme > Community

A Wooden Bench
Dave Drew
A Bristol driving instructor uses a novel way to find a nice area of the town to live in.4:01

What Was!
Doreen Hancock
An incredible oasis of life around a ‘temporary’ prefabricated home, now under threat of demolition and re-development.2:15

Reflections as seen…
A poem about the uncertain future for elderly people living in Bristol prefab homes, marked by Bristol City Council for demolition.4:32

Mr. Harindar…
Mr. Harindar Singh
Mr Singh recounts his vivid memories of the chaos, conflict and war that arose following Independence day.2:07

Mr. Amir Ahamed’s story
Amir Ahamed
Mr Ahmed reflects on the two major migrations in his life, first as a 11 year old Muslim, a passage from India to the newly formed…5:48

Mrs Gurdial…
Gurdial Kaur
Mrs Gurdial Kaur talks of her family migration during the partition of India and Pakistan.4:59

The Burly Hindu
Bhupi Bowri
Mr Bhupi Bowri remembers being at Delhi and witnessing Jawaharlal Nerhu’s famous 'Tryst of Destiny' speech as India's…2:21

Riding with Ghandi
Bhupi Bowri
Mr Bowri recollects being present at Mahatma Ghandi funeral.4:00

Mrs Kanta…
Kanta Nandwari
This is a story about the legacies of the Partition and the migration for a new life in the UK.1:43

The Curse of the…
Tajinder Dhami
Tajinder creatively reflects on India’s 60th Independence day through a story centered around the Kohinoor diamond.0:49

Building Futures
Liz Jones, part of Bristol City Council’s Human Resources team, talks about the council’s Building Futures scheme.3:18

Junior’s story
Junior talks about how working for Bristol City Council has changed him from a difficult youth to a youth play worker, engaging…