Clark Bursary UK Map Clark Bursary UK Digital Art Award

3rd Clark Bursary


by Simon Poulter

View project website | Proposal | About Simon

In Aterworld a series of six new works were revealed over a period of six months. The works investigated 'online' and 'offline' culture, inviting the viewer to explore a post-biological reality or 'afterworld'.

  • The Slacker Table was a networked table built for people with time to kill. The table was replaced in 2005 by two new versions which are currently situated at Watershed.
  • Diamond Sutra Applet - The Diamond Cutter is designed to eliminate doubt.
  • Homogenius the life and times of Turing, Wilde, Wittgenstein and others, presented by Simon as a Powerpoint presentation at Lloyds/TSB Headquarters in October 2000.
  • Genome Portraits - the gun is loaded at birth. Genome portraits of passers-by demonstrate predetermination
  • Digital Guillotine - live decapitation to find your boundaries, test your taboos, meet your moral line and face your fears.
  • Uncovering afterworld - a live event which took place in Central Bristol in December 2000.

Afterworld was created as part of the 3rd Clark Bursary, supported by J A Clark Charitable Trust, Watershed, DA2, University of the West of England, and Arts Council England South West