Media Sandbox participants in government action plan
Fri 22 Feb, 2008
The Government today published Creative Britain: New Talents for the New Economy, its Creative Economy action plan in which it commits to the future development of, and investment in, Britain’s creative industries. Amongst the many examples of excellence cited was the work of Media Sandbox participants, including Licorice Film, Aardman and Watershed.
Led by the Department for Media, Culture and Sport, Creative Britain explores how organisations like Watershed and the other Sandbox participants are playing a vital developmental role in the wider creative economy – an economy which contributes £60 billion to the UK economy, employs 2 million people and which is growing at twice the rate of the economy as a whole.
The plan highlights MeiGeist, Licorice Film's first Alternative Reality Game, a new animation centre that Aardman is working in partnership with Skillset and the South West Regional Development Agency on, and the ground-breaking Pervasive Media Studio.
Read the plan: Creative Britain - New Talents for the Economy PDF (1.2mb)
Posted by Clare Reddington