Projects 2008 > Happy Town > Journal
We've been collecting stories about the things that people do to make their lives happier, and it's absolutely fascinating. Each answer is a story in itself about the person, and the more specific you are, the richer and more personal the solution is. They're like little descriptions or recipies of how to do happy.
So we're moving things on, and finding out that we're less comfortable with more new age versions of happy work, and trying to find a version that works for 'normal' people. We've also done so much reading around the work already done in this are, we can avoid repeating what is already there, and what we know doesn't work. It's looking very much like less 'happy life coach', more 'doing happy' kind of thing.
At the same time we're trying out technologies and programming - making things move, message and talk at a distance, including our small twittering bird - one of the many scenarios we've been developing to work out the ideas we're looking at for the user research. Interviews start this weekend, and we're booking in times to speak to people as fast as possible.
We're looking for a particular cross section of people, as we know there's a lot to be gained by finding out from people just what might work, and especially what wouldn't. We're looking for technophobes as well as technoaddicts; cynics as well as open minded new agers; and a rich diverse mixture of great Bristol folk.
Expect us to be brought down to earth and to have had all of our cheesy thinking challenged and moulded into some firm clear idea the next time we write.
Oh, and just in case,
We’re looking for people at different stages of their lives, just like this, but not strictly:
• A man who is head of the family
• A woman who is head of the family
• An infant school child or a junior school
• Teenagers in pre-exam study time
• Someone who owns their own business
• A grandfather or a grandmother
• A student
• An unmarried young couple just starting out
• A couple with a new baby
Ideally we can get them in pairs – so a grandfather with a teenager, or a child with a dad (if that’s feasible).
We are looking for at least 12 people in pairs of two. Ideally we would like a diverse mixture of male and female, ethnic backgrounds, and class who live in Bristol and fit the following descriptions.
We want to learn about what people do to make themselves happy.
We want to come and do an in-depth interview which will take about 1.5 hours. If this sounds like something you know someone would be interested in participating in, then we will be doing the research this coming weekend - between the 23rd and 25th February 2008.
Please contact Gill on 07966209615 or mail gill(at)