Projects 2008 > Power To The People > Journal
The PTTP Sandbox project is intended to prove a concept, initially by controlling a LED light matrix. As Chris, who's providing some great assistance to the project, pointed out - you can't actually prove a queuing system if people don't think your demo is worth queuing for. And that's the problem - LED light matrices are boring.
Or they were until I had a conversation with Jon (Licorice Film). Jon is interested in building 3D LED cubes. This gives LED matrices a whole new dimension! (sorry). People have made some really interesting light cubes - but none have been controlled by the public - yet.
Here are a few videos of cubes in action, to give you an idea of the possibilities.
A simple 8×8x8 LED cube:
The Yacht box:
And for the really over the top, Cubatron:
The next question is, where can I buy one? (Or do I have to dig my soldering iron out?)