Projects 2009 > The Generator > Journal
The Generator
The awarded Media Sandbox grant will be used to research and develop ‘The Generator’; an exciting cross platform social media application.
Main Principles
Our conceptualised application is based on four main principles;
- Innovation – ground breaking within the mobile/social media space, delivered and displayed through an original and innovative new application.
- Ability to relate – providing a balance between broad target market appeal and allowing segments of a more targeted community to identify with its style.
- Entertainment – subject matter and interaction with the content is engaging and entertaining.
- Functionality/Accessibility – the use of innovative technology with consideration of the ability to be replicated across all platforms and mediums.
The Application
The generator is a fully interactive, cross media promotion utilising user generated content, ruffling some feathers giving its users a funny, enjoyable experience. Users send in a short message via sms/msn/aol/skype/i-chat/twitter etc… The inbound number or address is promoted via web, print, outdoor. The message is received by the database, which fires back a random message sent in by another user. Each time you send in your message via either text or instant message you receive another back. The concept is simple and open to mass community participation, from those with the latest twitter java app or iphone to those with a phone barely capable of sending an sms. The concept was originally tailored as the bold (but risky) un-moderated “Dissing contest” but has broad application possibilities including safer, more brand friendly ‘mistakes I’ve made’, ‘wishes’ and ‘things that irritate’ depending on the target audience.