Why Staring at Other Women in Public is Bad…
Adibah Iqbal has a confession to make, she sizes up other women in public all the time. And that does not make her any less of a feminist. But does it make her less of a nice person? And where does this female rivalry come from?
I size up other women in public so much, I can’t walk down the street without doing it! Until I learnt why I was in a constant battle of female rivalry and now I’m on a mission to end it once and for all! Check out my vlog for Rife about the whole issue.
(Oh and by the way, although I may appear naked, I am actually fully clothed. Rife is not that kinda magazine!)Why don’t you try a smile? Let me know how it goes: @rifemag. Also, have you ever been the victim of one of those sideway glares? Have you done it yourself? Let us know.
Related links:
Eight thing Feminist feel guilty for doing, but really shouldn’t.
Are you shouting back? Interview with Everyday Sexism’s Laura Bates.