Six Spooky Films Your Parents Won’t Mind You Watching
Molly Perryman rounds up a selection of spooky films that your parents wouldn’t mind you watching this halloween.
Halloween is approaching and watching a few horror films will surely get you in the mood. Have you ever tried sneaking into a cinema to watch a 15 or 18 because you’re not old enough? No need for sneaking about as there’s plenty of scary movies that are rated 12 and under that are sure to leave you totally spooked.
Here are some of the most terrifying horror films I’ve ever watched as a top spooky six for y’all to check out… By the way, I used to be a complete scardey cat (still am) so these films are for the other scaredy cats out there and general (brave) horror fans. It’s time to confront your fears!
6. ‘Small Soldiers’ (1998) – (12)
When toys take on humans something has gone wrong….

Until seeing this film, I didn’t think toys had the potential to start a war but apparently they do.
5. ‘Arachnophobia’ (1990) – (PG)
‘Eight legs, two fangs and an attitude…’ If you can deal with spiders then this one might be for you.

I’m too terrified to watch this film the entire way through. I hate spiders.
4. ‘Coraline’ (2009) – (PG)
When your other mother wants you to sew buttons to your face you know there’s a problem…

I remember reading the book in Year 9 English and the book is nowhere near as odd as the film.
3. ‘The Hole’ (2012) – (12)
Ever moved to a haunted house? Warning: Looking down the hole brings your fears to life.

I went to watch this film when I was 15. My friends got ID’d for this 12 but to be honest, it should have been a 15.
2. ‘Eight Legged Freaks’ (2002) – (12)
Legs everywhere. Snm.

I watched this at primary school. Yes, primary school… I don’t know why it was appropriate but I can truly say this gave me spider nightmares for weeks.
1. ‘The Woman In Black’ (2012) – (12)
Super creepy compared to Harry Potter. If you like things that make you jump then go ahead.

I was too scared to go and watch this at the cinema but I did watch the ‘top scary scenes’ on Youtube just to check how scary it is. I definitely saw too much.
Have you watched any films that are scarier than the ones on this list? Tell us @rifemag